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Mushroom  Amatano Fruit  Sushi
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese アマタノフルーツ
Romanized Amatano Furūtsu
Aliases Fruits parlour
IGO Icon 2 Statistics IGO Icon 2
Type Fruit
Location Hungry-la Island
Related Hungry-la Island
Mushroom Debut Appearance Sushi
Anime Episode 1
[v · t · e]

Called the "Fruits parlour" the Amatano Fruit (アマタノフルーツ Amatano Furūtsu) is a rare and delicious ingredient found only on Hungry-la Island. It is described as a "carnival of flavours" due to its taste being a blend of many different types of fruit. It is shown to be a massive cherry like fruit with extremely sturdy branches growing from the ground, glistening red and acts like the "cherry on top" for ice-creams when Hungry-la Islands true form is revealed. It is also shown that Hungry-la Island's true form is only revealed after the stems of the Amatano Fruit is stimulated as it is situated above a caramel volcano that erupts to reveal the true form of Hungry-la Island.
