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Bannou Yakutou pinned
Japanese 万能薬刀
Romanized Bannō Yakutō
English All-Purpose Medicine Blade
Other Sword of Perfection
Owner Yuda
Debut Appearance
Manga Gourmet 221
Anime Episode 135
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The All-Purpose Medicine Blade (万能薬刀 Bannō Yakutō) is a powerful, long kitchen knife that is currently owned by Yuda. It was forged by Melk.[1]


Bannou Yakutou is a long, single-edged sword with a highly elaborate and exotic design along the blade and hilt.


It is an incredibly sharp blade, able to cut down targets to a single millimeter.


Yuda using his Bannou Yakutou
  • 1 Millimeter Thousand Cut (1ミリ千斬り Ichi-Miri Zengiri): Yuda rapidly cuts his targets into thousands of tiny pieces with his sword. The movement is so fast that an observer sees it as a single swing.[2]
  • Ishoku Dōgen: Sosei Giri (医食同源 蘇生斬り literally meaning "Medicine and Food have the Same Origin: Resurrection Cut"): Yuda revives himself after fainting with a self-inflicted slash, presumably in a specific part of his body. This technique allows him to recover even from very serious wounds; however, the injuries themselves do not disappear, and apparently he cannot replenish his stamina.[3]
  • Ishoku Dōgen: Asura Mai (医食同源 阿修羅舞 literally meaning "Medicine and Food Have the Same Origin: Asura Dance): A series of cuts whose great speed is outshone only by their imense precision. [4]


  1. Gourmet 333, Page 12
  2. Gourmet 221, Pages 11-12
  3. Gourmet 230, Page 5
  4. Gourmet 334, Page 16

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