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Toriko Wiki
RiceBall  Brandy Tiger  Manga meat
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese ブランデータイガー
Romanized Burandē Taigā
IGO Icon 2 Bestiary IGO Icon 2
Type Mammal
Capture Level 53
Length 5m
Height 2,5m
Weight 2t
Habitat Heavy Drinker Archipelago
RiceBall Debut Appearance Manga meat
Manga Chapter 176
Anime Episode 101
[v · t · e]

The Brandy Tiger (ブランデータイガー Burandē Taigā) is one of the many drunk beasts of the Heavy Drinker Archipelago. Its alcohol content is so great that even its blood is a top-grade brandy.



The Brandy Tiger's brandy blood.

It is a large light brown tiger with very spiky fur and an equally spiky tail. It has a very dazed and flushed look on its face due to its constant state of inebriation. The anime shows that its stripes are see-through and one can actually see the brandy blood inside its body.


The Brandy Tiger, like most of the drunk beasts of the archipelago, is a very drunk creature and it always has a dazed and flushed-look and moves about in a rather tipsy manner, however unlike the other angry drunk beasts of the archipelago, it is actually a very gentle and non-violent creature and won't even mind if a little of its blood is taken for a drink.


Bubble Fruit arc[]

Toriko and Komatsu encountered a Brandy Tiger during their trip to the Heavy Drinker Archipelago. At first Komatsu was frightened but Toriko eased his worries when he revealed that Brandy Tigers are actually gentle beasts. Toriko then made a small cut near its backside to collect a little of its brandy blood for a drink, the Brandy Tiger did not mind at all and quickly went on its way, leaving the two friends to enjoy a good drink.



  • The Brandy Tiger was created by Ohara Riku from Hougo prefecture in Japan.