The Earth is divided into two halves: The Human World, taking up 30% of the world and serving as the domain where humans reside, and the Gourmet World, which makes up the other 70% of the world and is extremely inhospitable to most humans. The planet Earth is incredibly large, with continents twice the size of Eurasia making up less than 10% of the planet's surface area.
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- Back Channel
- Bar Heavy Lodge
- Bar Meria
- Barber Gourmet
- Baron Archipelago
- Baron Bog
- Battle Island
- Biotope 0
- Biotope 1
- Biotope 2
- Biotope 3
- Biotope 4
- Biotope 5
- Biotope 6
- Biotope 7
- Biotope 8
- Biotopes
- Birth Cry Tree
- Biscuisland
- Black Grass
- Black Lake
- Black Triangle
- Blue Grill
- Bonito Bush
- Breakfast Island
- Bubble Way
- Burning Hot Shrimbeach
- Cave of Old Age
- Cavern Lagoon
- Central Human World
- Cha Han Island
- Chichi's Tree House
- Chinese Cooking Monmon
- Cloud Mountain
- Cloud Tree
- Coco's House
- Cola Sea
- Continent of Beginnings
- Conveyor Belt Islands
- Cooking Island
- Cooking Stadium
- Croqually
- Curry Well
- Custardgrounds
- Fairy Tale Castle
- Fairy Tale Castle (Orphanage)
- Farthest Kitchen
- Fertile Planet
- Fizzy Juice Springs
- Food Immersion Cape
- Food Line
- Food Park Plaza
- Food Region Forest
- Food Spirit Doors
- Forest of Sorrow "Thorn Wood"
- Fortune-telling Sushi Monchy
- Four Seasons Island
- Freezer Ice Field
- Frozen Mountain
- Frye Field
- Galatain Pass
- Gate of the Underworld
- Gattsuki Continent
- Gen-chan (Oden Shop)
- Giant Shell
- Gigan Island
- Gold Labyrinth
- Gold Swamp
- Gourmet Alley
- Gourmet Beach
- Gourmet Casino
- Gourmet Coliseum
- Gourmet Corp. 6th Branch
- Gourmet Corp. Dining Kitchen
- Gourmet Corp.'s Gourmet World HQ
- Gourmet Corp.'s Human World HQ
- Gourmet Department Store
- Gourmet Fortune
- Gourmet Garden
- Gourmet Highway
- Gourmet Hole
- Gourmet Island
- Gourmet Island (Filler)
- Gourmet Pyramid
- Gourmet Research Laboratory
- Gourmet Royale
- Gourmet Show Window
- Gourmet Summit
- Gourmet Temple
- Gourmet Towers
- Gourmet Town
- Gourmet Town Central Station
- Gourmet World
- Greengrocer
- Grill Stadium
- Grill Valley
- Growlrus Plains
- Guts