Toriko Wiki
Toriko Wiki
Toriko Wiki
Mushroom  Corn Potage Tree  Sushi
-A-Destiny SGKK-Toriko- 07 (1280x720 H264 AAC) -5CB1DAD4- 20110630-14571223
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese コーンポター樹
Romanized Kōnpotā-ju
IGO Icon 2 Statistics IGO Icon 2
Type Vegetable/Plant
Location Breakfast Island
Mushroom Debut Appearance Sushi
Anime Episode 7
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Corn Potage Trees (コーンポター樹 Kōnpotā-ju) are corn-shaped trees from legends that soak in the blessings of the shining sun and exude a sap made of cream of corn soup, forming pools of it at the bottom of the tree.



  • Its name is a portmanteau of the japanese words for "Potage" (ポタージュ Potāju) and "Tree" ( ju).

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