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RiceBall  Crocsaurus  Manga meat
Execution Croc Eps 59
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese クロコサウルス
Romanized Kurokosaurusu
IGO Icon 2 Bestiary IGO Icon 2
Type Reptile
Capture Level Unknown (likely between
40 or 60)
Weight Varies
Habitat Honey Prison,
Death Season Forest
RiceBall Debut Appearance Manga meat
Manga Chapter 127
Anime Episode 59
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The Crocsaurus is a giant crocodilian reptile beast that is used by warden Love of Honey Prison as an A-Ranked Execution Beast, charged with guarding the prison and executing criminals.


It is a giant crocodilian beast that resembles a large, blue-scaled version of the Galala Gator. It has small red eyes and notably long fangs. It has eight legs (six in the manga) and its back is protected by a tough, armor-like, scaly, green hide.


They are easily susceptible to Love's pheromones making them docile and non-aggressive unless ordered to, and will follow all of Love's and the prison staff's commands without question. Their behavior in the wild is unknown.

Powers and Abilities[]

It is a powerful beast capable of dealing with prisoners and carrying out their executions. Like all the execution beasts, it is a powerful creature that does its fullest to fulfill the orders of warden Love.


Mellow Cola Arc[]

When Toriko and Komatsu went to Honey Prison to release Zebra, they saw a few Crocsauruses during their tour through the prison. They later witnessed Zebra's failed execution, which involved his limbs being pulled off by several beasts, including an Crocsaurus. However Zebra easily incapacitated the beasts with his sound-based attacks.

Anime and Manga Differences[]

  • In the manga, it only had six legs, while in the anime, it had eight.
  • Its name is not mentioned in the anime nor the manga, having only been mentioned in Toriko: Gourmet Battle.[1]

Appearances in Other Media[]

Toriko: Bakushoku Gourmet Battle[]

The Crocsaurus appears in Toriko: Bakushoku Gourmet Battle as a beast and collectible card and can be encountered near Honey Prison. This game is the only instance where the Crocsaurus's name and stats are revealed. Its card's statistics classify it as a "Power" class beast with an "R++" level rarity and a single star ranking.



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