Toriko Wiki
Toriko Wiki
The title of this article is conjectural; an official name for the article's subject has not been found, so it has been given a fitting title by editors. If an official name appears, it is requested that the article be moved to the correct name.
Dark Hut
Dark Cooking Duel
Location Cooking Stadium
Affiliation Cooking Festival
Debut Appearance
Manga Chapter 217
Anime Episode 132
[v · t · e]

The Dark Hut was a shack used for the first match of the championship tournament of Cooking Fest, where Komatsu and Zaus had to face off on a cooking in complete darkness inside this location, guided by their senses. However, it was soon incinerated and destroyed by Starjun as the Gourmet Corp. had already cornered the Cooking Stadium on their invasion to kidnap chefs.

