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Dores at Slow Rain Hills
Japanese ドレス
Romanized Doresu
English Dores

Dress (VIZ)

Race Human
Gender Male Male
Birthday October 4th
Status Deceased
Height 222 cm
Weight 200 kg
Blood Type A
Professional Status
Affiliation NEO
Ico bsk Gourmet Corp. (betrayed)
Occupation Chef icon Executive Chef (formerly)
Personal Status
Relatives None known
Debut Appearance
Manga Gourmet 171
Anime Episode 97
Japanese Sonobe Keiichi
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Dores (ドレス Doresu) is a former Executive Chef of the Gourmet Corp., the highest rank currently known within the organization, below only Midora and Alfaro. In truth though, he may have actually been secretly brainwashed into being a member of NEO and now currently serves their organization.

Niceny is his personal assistant and usually acts on Dores's behalf.


Dores 1

Dores's face up-close.

He is an elderly dark-skinned man with snake-like eyes and overflowing white pointy hair and facial hair. He wears a similar attire to Kuromado's except his appears to have fishnet patterns. He also carries two large katana blades at his back and one at his side.

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He is a fearless old man, showing no fear upon Ichiryu's arrival and had already drawn out his blade to fight him, showing a great deal of confidence in his skill.

Powers and Abilities[]

Dores preparing to fight1

Dores unsheathing his sword.

Being stationed in the Gourmet World and having one of the highest ranks within the organization, shows that he is a very powerful figure. He carries three large blades and is seen using one against Ichiryu. It is unknown how skilled he is in using them although being a chef, someone who uses knives, it can be assumed that he is quite powerful with them.

Chef Skills[]

Since his rank is one of the highest in the whole organization, he is undoubtedly an exceptional cook.


Meteor Garlic Arc[]

When Ichiryu arrives at Gourmet Corp.'s Gourmet World HQ, Dores and many of the top members are already there to face him in battle. He wonders why Ichiryu has come all the way to their base so suddenly.[1] Ichiryu claims that he only came to invite Midora, his "little brother," to a feast. Dores and a few members prepare to attack him, but they are soon stopped by Midora, who tells them to cease. After a short exchange, Ichiryu leaves but not before warning the group that if a war should start because of them, he will not show them mercy and then sends a powerful aura of intimidation in their direction.[2]

Cooking Festival Arc[]

Dores, alongside some Nitro and two other Gourmet Corp. members, prepares to fight Malee and Guemon at the Birth Cry Tree. He mockingly states Biotope 0 is shorthanded, to which Guemon, after his partner reminds him who Dores is, replies there actually is a shortage of decent opponents.[3]

Later he is seen with the rest of the NEO members as they head to their next location.[4]

GOD Arc[]

Dores, Kuromado, and Niceny are summoned by Tokage and face Starjun, Tommyrod, and Grinpatch in a Back Channel.[5] Sometime later the NEO members were defeated by their former comrades.[6]



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