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RiceBall  ExPanda  Manga meat
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese エキスパンダ
Aliases Exercise Panda
IGO Icon 2 Bestiary IGO Icon 2
Type Mammal
Capture Level Unknown
Habitat Tou-Chinese Island
RiceBall Debut Appearance Manga meat
Anime Episode 51
[v · t · e]

The ExPanda is a large sapient panda bear that appears exclusively in the second Toriko x One Piece Collaboration Special.


It is a large bipedal panda beast with the standard white and black fur pattern that is common for its breed and it has an extremely muscular physique and humanoid hands. Its upper body is notably very muscular and large due its constant exercising. It wears a pair of orange pants which are held up by what appears to be a leather championship belt with a large gold buckle with the image of a crown on it. It also carries around a metal chest expander which it uses in its exercises.


Like the Kung Fu Mynah Birds and Raochutan of the island, the ExPanda mimicked the ways of the humans who once lived on the island, learning their culture, fighting style, exercise technique and how to wear clothes. It is very territorial but will not immediately attack on sight unless provoked, instead it'll attempt to scare off intruders by flexing its muscles and showing off with its chest expander. It seems to have a quite a liking for its exercise tool and will immediately become enraged if someone breaks it and will go on a rampage. Like the Kung Fu Mynah Bird, if defeated in battle it will become friendly to its opponents.

Powers and Abilities[]

Due to its regular exercise routines, it possesses a great deal of physical strength and large muscle mass and can break its surrounding with ease. It can also deal swift and successive punches when on a rampage, however it is not very agile and despite its super strength, it is no match against the Straw Hats' swordsman.

As Food[]

It is unknown if its meat is edible, however its sweat is a highly concentrated extract of pure Chinese flavor that speeds up one's metabolism.


Toriko x One Piece Collaboration Special 2[]

When Toriko, Luffy and their group discovered the location of the Seafood Fruit they needed to cure Chopper of his Deep Sea Fever, they were confronted by a large ExPanda who tried to block their way and scare them off, however Zoro was not impressed by the beast and quickly cut its chest expander to pieces, greatly angering it and causing it to go on a rampage against Zoro and whilst he battled it, the group would go on to get the fruit. After they successfully retrieved the fruits they all set down and made a campfire to prepare the fruit and celebrate Chopper's recovery, and they were soon joined by a victorious Zoro and a befriended (although heavily bruised) ExPanda who sat down for a meal as well.



  • Much like the Raochutan, it is unknown if there is more than one ExPanda on the island.
  • It is unknown if its clothing and exercise tool were made by itself or if it scavenged them from the abandoned human settlements on the island.
  • Its name is most likely a combination of Panda and EXP, the latter of which is an intense exercise program that builds muscles.