Gourmet SP
The Gourmet SP (グルメSP Gurume SP) is an organization of elite personal body guards for hire that have a very renowned reputation with even Gourmet Hunters complimenting them for their skill. Despite their level of praise, several Gourmet SP members hired by Colonel Mokkoi were all slaughtered easily by Bogie Woods in Drunker's body, with the only member remaining being used as Bogie's next lodge after proving equal to Drunker in a quick show of strength. Indicating that either the Gourmet SP's strength is not on par with the Gourmet Corp. or that the organization's members have varying levels of strength.
Several Gourmet SP were hired by the IGO to act as security during Cooking Festival in case of a Gourmet Corp. attack.
- It is unknown what "SP" stands for. It could possibly be Secret Police or Special Police.