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RiceBall  Gourmet Slime Mold  Manga meat
Gourmet Slime Mold
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese グルメ粘菌
Romanized Gurume Nenkin
IGO Icon 2 Bestiary IGO Icon 2
RiceBall Debut Appearance Manga meat
Manga Gourmet 325
[v · t · e]

Gourmet Slime Mold (グルメ粘菌 Gurume Nenkin) are amoeba-like protozoa that only react to delicious ingredients, and are able to find the optimal path to reach a food source.

By placing a drop of PAIR on the Real Globe and releasing them, Aimaru can create relatively safe routes that have a high compatibility with the ones in the real world; however, it is necessary to know the general area of the desired ingredient.[1]


  1. Toriko Manga: Gourmet 325, Page 5