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Mushroom  Grana Lettuce  Sushi
-A-Destiny- Toriko - 24 (1280x720 h264 AAC) -20840008- 20111013-22540415
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese グラナレタス
Romanized Guranaretasu
English Grana Lettuce
IGO Icon 2 Statistics IGO Icon 2
Capture Level Unmeasurable
Location Unknown (Possibly Gourmet World)
Mushroom Debut Appearance Sushi
Manga Gourmet 15
Anime Episode 6
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Grana Lettuce (グラナレタス Guranaretasu) Part of Jiro and Setsuno's Full Course Menu. Not much is known about it beside it has an Unmeasurable Capture Level.


Capture Method[]

Powers & Abilities[]


Due to it being on Jiro's & Setsuno's Full Course Menus, it might taste incredible.

At The Setsuno Dining Hall, Setsuno adds other ingredients to the lettuce to make a Grana Lettuce Caesar Salad (グラナレタスシーザーサラダ Guranaretasu Shīzā Sarada).[1]


Puffer Whale Arc[]

Coco tells Toriko & Komatsu the Full Course Menu of Jiro which Included Grana Lettuce as his Salad.

Century Soup Arc[]

Toriko tells Komatsu the Full Course Menu of Setsuno which Included Grana Lettuce Caesar Salad & is also available at Setsuno Dining Hall.



  1. Gourmet 15, Page 8-9

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