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Toriko Wiki
RiceBall  Hardcrab  Manga meat
Hardcrab with Fried Beach Rice
Hardcrab with Fried Beach Rice
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese カタカニ
Romanized Katakani
IGO Icon 2 Bestiary IGO Icon 2
Type Crustacean
Capture Level Unknown
RiceBall Debut Appearance Manga meat
Anime Episode 130
[v · t · e]

The Hardcrab (カタカニ, Katakani) is a species of crustacean beast whose shell is as hard as diamond, making it quite a task to cook with regular knives. It serves as simple dish food when cooked.


If the chef manages the point of inserting the knife on the shell of the crab, then the rest of the cooking is simple. In order to make the hard shell crispy and delicious, the crab has to be deep fried for a time of 9 minutes and 6.2 seconds with 96.2 degree oil. When it is ready to eat, one must lightly push the shell with the end of the spoon.


Cooking Festival Arc[]

When the race of Triathlon Cooking ended with Buranchi and Komatsu being the first ones to win, it lead to the latter chef's turn to cook for the Gourmet Seven with the ingredients he had picked at Rice Beach. The young chef then heard the voice of the Hardcrab that wanted to be cooked. Komatsu fried it deeply and added Beach Rice to make a beach chahan inside the crab, impressing Patch for making a simple dish.

