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RiceBall  Kappa  Manga meat
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese 河童 (かっぱ)
Romanized Kappa
IGO Icon 2 Bestiary IGO Icon 2
Type Apparition
Habitat Kappa Valley (homeland),
Hex Food World
Related Ingredient Kappa Fossil Soup
RiceBall Debut Appearance Manga meat
Manga Chapter 280
Anime Episode 139 (mentioned)
[v · t · e]

The Kappa (河童(かっぱ)) are a water dwelling race of turtle-like creatures that are native to Kappa Valley within Hex Food World.[1]


Kappas are a race of scaly skinned, turtle-like beings with beak-like mouths, small or narrow eyes, turtle shells on their backs, and a hairless plate-like shield on their head. They have long thin limbs and webbed hands and feet, along with a small stubby tail, and they may usually have a white-colored belly. The shells on their backs may differ in appearance depending on the individual. Kappas also have hair which grows around the exposed plate on their head and like humans their hair can come in several colors and they can style it however they wish. Kappas seem to normally walk around naked and only two kappas have been shown to wear clothes.

Like the other races within Hex Food World, kappas can have varied and peculiar appearances, with some resembling Travel Frogs, Nitros or even have Human-like heads and bellies. The most oddly looking kappa seen resembles a watermelon, having a watermelon-like patterns on its round head and body segments, leaf-like hair and even its plate has watermelon patterns and a small vine-like hair coming out of the top. The reason for this non-uniformal appearance is likely due to their ancestors being mutants.


An elderly kappa (left) and a chubby kappa (right)
A female kappa next to a female cyclops
A humanoid kappa (right) and a kappa with sleek hair (left)
A muscular nitro-like kappa and a watermelon-like kappa
A Kappa in Brunch's description in the manga

Behavior and Culture[]


A Kappa at the hot spring.

Kappas are an intelligent species and they appear to be quite social. They are are fully capable of speech and can also speak the human language. Kappas originate from Kappa Valley within Hex Food World and many can be seen at the Kappa Hot Spring within Hex Food World's main village. They appear to have a liking for hot springs as many are shown to spend more time in the Kappa Hot Spring in Bizarre Valley rather than the main village, although this could be due to their aquatic nature. Like the rest of the villagers, Kappas highly respect and revere Heracles and shared the dream of one day eating AIR alongside their fellow villagers.

Powers and Abilities[]

Nosh repels Laser Squalls

A kappa using its plate shield.

Kappas posses the ability to speak, and their amphibian appearance suggests that they are likely adept in aquatic environments. One Kappa has been shown to posses great skills as a gourmet hunter, and is considered one the Hex Food Beast Knights, the top three best warriors of the Hex Food World, showing that Kappas can hone their skills to great levels. Kappas also posses the ability to transfer all their muscles fibers to the plate on their heads which they can then expand into a near-indestructible shield, although doing so renders them immobile for 2 minutes.


The soup in Brunch's Full Course Menu is called "Kappa Fossil Soup" and there is also an alcoholic beverage called Kappa Fin Sake. Whether they are made by or from Kappa remains unknown.



Like the rest of the races within Hex Food World, the Kappa are actually the descendants of ancient humans who were mutated by the Nitro many centuries ago after being injected with Gourmet Cells. These ancient humans would later establish a society in Area 8 and their descendants would become the many diverse races of Hex Food World.

Cooking Festival Arc[]

During the battle of Cooking Festival, Brunch first mentioned the existence of Kappas to Elg during the latter's dying moments. He mentions that they are common in his home village along with many other sorts of creatures.[1]

AIR Arc[]

When the Four Heavenly Kings and Komatsu first arrived in the Hex Food World, they were welcomed by a large assortment of fantastical creatures and monsters, some of which were Kappas.[2]

After the Four Heavenly Kings acquired AIR, a few Kappas were seen accompanying the gleeful villagers of Hex Food World who had come to taste AIR and gave thanks to the kings for all their efforts.



  • The Kappa are based on the real-life mythical creatures from Japanese folklore.


External Links[]

  • Kappa - Monstropedia article about Kappas