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RiceBall  King Sloth  Manga meat
King Sloth
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese キングナマケモノ
Romanized Kingu Namakemono
IGO Icon 2 Bestiary IGO Icon 2
Type Mammal
Capture Level Unknown
Diet Omnivore
Habitat Unknown
RiceBall Debut Appearance Manga meat
Manga Chapter 221 (mentioned)
Anime Episode 134 (mentioned)
[v · t · e]

The King Sloth (キングナマケモノ Kingu Namakemono) is a species of sloth well known for its intense laziness, as it spends its entire life sleeping approximately 364 days and 23 hours a year, basically waking up for only a single hour a year.


King Sleep Fragrance

The King Sleep Fragrance extracted from the cells of the King Sloth.

A special essence can be extracted from its cells which can be made into a special fragrance that acts as an extremely potent tranquilizer that causes intense drowsiness and those who get just one sniff of it will fall into a deep sleep for an entire month, and their drowsiness will also become contagious, affecting others near them. As such it is a dangerous perfume that can be used as an effective weapon and thus its use has been banned by law. For reasons that are yet unknown, three individuals in the Gourmet Corp., Bei, Zyper and Dohsa are immune to this fragrance's effect, though Bei claims his excitement is keeping him awake.

