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Toriko Wiki
Mushroom  Marshmalrock  Sushi
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese マシュマロック
Romanized Masyumarokku
IGO Icon 2 Statistics IGO Icon 2
Type Mineral
Capture Level Unknown
Location Near Toriko's Sweets House
Mushroom Debut Appearance Sushi
First Appearance Episode 41
[v · t · e]

A Marshmalrock (マシュマロック Masyumarokku) is a large boulder-like marshmallow that can be found near Mushroom Pudding forests. A Marshmalrock can be crafted into a fluffy and soft chair, which is, not only comfortable, but tasty too.


Century Soup Arc[]

When Toriko, Terry Cloth and Ob went in search of sweet ingredients to use in the building of Toriko's new Sweets Castle, Ob managed to find a Marshmalrock and some Lotusconbu. The Marshmalrock was later used to make the furniture of Toriko's new Sweets Castle, however the furniture along with the rest of the castle was eaten during Toriko's welcome home party.

Anime and Manga Differences[]

  • Marshmalrock is an anime-only ingredient and no mention of it is made in the manga.