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Fork-knife-icon  Measuring Tongs   Fork-knife-icon
Measuring Tongs
Japanese メジャートング
Romanized Mejā Tongu
Creator(s) IGO scientists
Owner Rin
Purpose Measures the physical capture levels of beasts
Debut Appearance
Anime Episode 87
[v · t · e]

The Measuring Tongs are a 'Capture Level Measuring Device', capable of measuring the Capture Level of any beast. They are capable of measuring Capture Level over the maximum level of 100 in the Human World, and thus can be used in the Gourmet World. It was developed in the IGO labs and named by Rin. The device has a range of only 50 meters, so the user needs to get close to the target to use it. It is made using the tongue of the Marking Chameleon, a beast whose tongue is able to measure 'cell energy'. Thus, it only gives a reading simply based on the beasts power, and does not take into account anything else, like the environment or other obstacles.

It seems like the device also has some kind of wireless function that transmits the Capture Level of different beasts measured by other measuring tongs. Furthermore, it also has a communicator that allows the user to contact others with the same device.

According to Rin, the maximum level this device can measure is 999. When she tried to measure Terry Cloth's Capture Level the device display E meaning Error.

