Toriko Wiki
Toriko Wiki
RiceBall  Mega Anteater  Manga meat
Three unidentified corpses in the Gourmet Coliseum, one of which is the Mega Anteater's
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
IGO Icon 2 Bestiary IGO Icon 2
Type Mammal
Capture Level Unknown (less than 8 or 5)
Habitat Unknown (one was kept at the 1st Biotope)
RiceBall Debut Appearance Manga meat
Manga Chapter 21
[v · t · e]

The Mega Anteater is an unseen breed of anteater whose details are mostly unknown. A Poodle Bison was featured in the Gourmet Coliseum along with a Tea Frog and a Poodle Bison, but they all lost to a Troll Kong and a Galala Gator. The Mega Anteater's strength is mostly unknown but it must have been less than capture level 8 to have lost to a capture level 9 Troll Kong and if the Galala Gator was not a 300 year old then this would make the Mega Anteater lower than capture level 5, but according to the score board at the coliseum while most of the odds were against it as the odds were in favor of the Galala Gator and the Troll Kong, it still had better odds of winning than the Poodle Bison and the Tea Frog, indicating that it was stronger than both.


The coliseum scoreboard showing the odds of the three beasts.
