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Toriko Wiki
Mushroom  Mors Oil  Sushi
Komatsu finding the Shining Gourami pond 2
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese モルス油
Romanized Morusu Yu
IGO Icon 2 Statistics IGO Icon 2
Type Oil
Capture Level Above 80
Location Death Falls
Mushroom Debut Appearance Sushi
Manga Chapter 154
Anime Episode 79
[v · t · e]

The Mors Oil (モルス油 Morusu Yu) is the nutrient rich water where the Shining Gourami lives in, however because it holds all the nutrients of the Mors Mountain Range its constitution is more like oil and is composed of unsaturated fats and oleic acids.

It has a smell similar to sesame oil as well as having similar properties to olive oil. The oil itself can be reused over and over, remaining clear even after being used to deep fry fish. Mors Oil is the only medium that can be used to cook the Shining Gourami. Since being discovered by Komatsu it has been recognized as a natural good quality cooking oil and boosted Komatsu's chef rankings.

Since its discovery, Mors Oil is frequently used in top-ranking restaurants. Oil master Wabutora uses it constantly for deep-frying, while Granny Kama likes to add a drop of oil to every Miso bowl she makes.

