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RiceBall  Muscle Crab  Manga meat
Muscle Crab GM
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese マッスルクラブ
Romanized Massurukurabu
English Muscle Crab
IGO Icon 2 Bestiary IGO Icon 2
Type Crustacean Mammal Beast
Capture Level 3
Length 5m
Height 2.5m
Weight 2t
Price 1kg / 300,000 yen
Habitat Biotope 1's Gourmet Research Laboratory
RiceBall Debut Appearance Manga meat
Manga Gourmet 20
Anime Episode 7
Game Toriko: Gourmet Monsters
[v · t · e]

The Muscle Crab (マッスルクラブ Massurukurabu) is an artificial species of crustacean created by combining the genetics of a Muscle Bison (マッスルバイソン Massurubaison) and a Razor Crab (カミソリクラブ Kamisorikurabu). It was created via bio-engineering in the IGO Research Lab in the Biotope 1.


The Muscle Crab is a big mammal crustacean beast. As its name suggest it's a pink-colored crab with large muscles. It has sharp teeth, big red pincers, and six legs.


It is an extremely violent and brutish beast.

Powers and Abilities[]

The power of its muscles is only matched by the sharpness of its pincers.


Regal Mammoth Arc[]

The Muscle Crab was created by IGO and put into a cage. When Toriko visits, it escapes its cage but is soon knocked out by Mansam.


In the video game series, the Muscle Crab is shown to have a variety of different subspecies:


A Massive Crab from Gourmet Survival 2.

  • Massive Crab (マッシブクラブ Masshibukurabu): It exists in Grill Valley and has blue skin, spiky pincers and legs, and what appears to be black chest hair.[1]
  • Chicken Crab (ササミクラブ Sasamikurabu): [1]
  • Iron Crab (アイアンクラブ Aiankurabu): [1]
  • Champion Crab (チャンピオンクラブ Chanpionkurabu): [1]

Appearances in Other Media[]

Toriko Jump Special OVA[]

The Muscle Crab itself did not appear during the Toriko Jump Special OVA, however it did make a cameo appearance in the credits "Sono Na wa Toriko" where it was seen chasing after Komatsu in a jungle along with a hoard of other angry-looking beasts.

Toriko: Gourmet Survival 2[]

In Toriko: Gourmet Survival 2 for the PSP, the Muscle Crab species appears in the Gattsuki Continent's Grill Valley and they can be hunted for their meat and experience.

Toriko: Bakushoku Gourmet Battle[]

The Muscle Crab appeared in Toriko: Bakushoku Gourmet Battle as an enemy and obtainable ingredient.



