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RiceBall  Paper Crocodile  Manga meat
Paper Crocodile
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese ペーパークロコダイル
Romanized Pēpākurokodairu
English Paper Crocodile
IGO Icon 2 Bestiary IGO Icon 2
Type Mammal
Capture Level 28
Length 10m
Weight 1t
Price 4000 yen per 100g
Habitat Cooking Island
RiceBall Debut Appearance Manga meat
Manga Gourmet 216
Anime Episode 129
[v · t · e]

The Paper Crocodile (ペーパークロコダイル Pēpākurokodairu) is a large crocodilian mammal whose body is as flat as paper, hence its name.


Cooking Festival Arc[]

One of these creatures attempteds to attack Kopuriko during the preliminary rounds of the Cooking Festival; however, it is no match for the bizarre chef, who easily cuts the beast into pieces with her Guillotine Slice.



Paper Crocodile Submission


  • The Paper Crocodile is the work of PN Baraniku (バラ肉 Ribs) from Hyogo Prefecture.