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RiceBall  Ripper The Fox  Manga meat
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese リッパー・ザ・フォックス
Romanized Rippā za Fokkusu
English Ripper The Fox
IGO Icon 2 Bestiary IGO Icon 2
Type Mammal
Capture Level 524
Length 130m
Weight 18,000t
Price 100g / 500,000 yen
Diet Carnivorous
Habitat Stray Islands
RiceBall Debut Appearance Manga meat
Manga Gourmet 247
Anime Episode 143
[v · t · e]

Ripper The Fox (リッパー・ザ・フォックス Rippā za Fokkusu) is a gigantic fox-like beast native to the floating islands high above Gourmet World.


It is a humongous fox that has the most notable feature of having external veins around all its body. It possesses two massive and sharp blades growing from its frontal legs, hence its name.


It is a bloodthirsty beast that will confront potential prey without hesitation regardless of their strength and it appears that it does not mind cooperating with other beasts, such as the Goron Beast.

Powers and Abilities[]

Being a creature native to Gourmet World, Ripper the Fox is far stronger than any creature in the Human World and as its capture level of 524 may indicate, it is immensely powerful. It resides high above the atmosphere on floating continents, showing that it is accustomed to high altitude and low temperatures and air pressure.


Cooking Festival Arc[]

GW Beasts caught by Ichiryuu

Ripper The Fox caught by Ichiryuu

When Ichiryu and Midora ascend to one of the Stray Islands for their confrontation, a wild Goron Beast and Ripper The Fox attack the IGO's President but are effortlessly immobilized along with the Octopard by his Chopsticks technique. Later on all three of them are consumed by Midora's technique.

Anime and Manga Differences[]

  • In the anime, Ripper's skin has a lighter color scheme and its nose looks more like a reptile's than a canine. The scythes on its arms also look less like scythes and more like curved spikes.



Ripper The Fox Submission

Ripper The Fox Submission

  • It was created by 八尾村袷介 of Shizuoka Prefecture.
