Toriko Wiki
Toriko Wiki
RiceBall  Rock Lizard  Manga meat
Rock Lizard card
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese ロックリザード
Romanized Rokkurizādo
IGO Icon 2 Bestiary IGO Icon 2
Type Crustacean
Capture Level 39
Length 3m
Weight 400kg
Price Meat 100g / 2,500 yen
Rock 1kg / 100,000 yen
RiceBall Debut Appearance Manga meat
Manga Chapter 166
Anime Episode 92
[v · t · e]

The Rock Lizard (ロックリザード) is one of the many ingredients used in the game of Food Concentration. It is one of the Big Miss Cards used in the game though, its interesting to note that compared to the other Big Miss Cards which are mostly 10 pts this one has has 50 pts. Though in the anime it depicts Toriko with a somewhat troubled face, likely meaning this ingredient is hard to eat even when cooked.



  • Rock Lizard Created by Tokyo Fan Prefecture.