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Ryuu 3
Japanese リュウ
Romanized Ryū
English Ryu
Race Human
Gender Male Male
Birthday October 5th
Status Unknown
Height 230 cm
Weight 200 kg
Blood Type O
Professional Status
Affiliation Ico igo IGO
Occupation Gourmet Yakuza's Boss (former),
Biotope 0 member
Personal Status
Relatives None known
Debut Appearance
Manga Gourmet 192
Anime Chapter 111
Japanese Voice N/A
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Ryu (リュウ Ryū) is the former boss of the Gourmet Yakuza only to become a member of Biotope 0. He is also a good friend of Yosaku.[1]


He is an incredibly tall dark skinned man with scars and bullet wounds all over his body. He has long black hair with the end of it sticking up and he has a thin pointy mustache. He wears a black cape, a haramaki, a pair of sandals and carries a sword with him.

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He is very caring towards children especially the ones in Nerg. However, having been the leader of the Gourmet Yakuza, he must be capable of extremely cruel deeds. He is very silent and collected, being unfazed by Rapp's accusation of betrayal.

Powers and Abilities[]

Ryu is assumed to be strong because he was the former boss of the Gourmet Yakuza and had never been arrested before.[1] Moreover, in order to manage such a powerful, widespread organization, he is bound to be a skilled and charismatic leader, capable of making even ruthless decisions in cold-blood. He is able to survive in the Gourmet World. Since he has a sword, he is likely to be highly proficient at wielding it. Judging from the number of scars on his whole body, he probably possesses high resistance to pain.



He quit the Gourmet Yakuza so he could go to the Gourmet World with confidence, following an invitation by Yosaku for unknown reasons. He left Match in charge of the Gourmet Yakuza.

Bubble Fruit Arc[]

He and two of his subordinates are called to a meeting by Ichiryu in the Gourmet World. During the meeting, Rapp says that he is suspicious of Ryu because he recently joined the Biotope 0. Yosaku tells him to shut up and that Ryu is the type of man that would never betray them.

Cooking Festival Arc[]

Ryu, his two men, and Rapp are seen standing in Sector E, the Continent of Beginnings, waiting for everyone else to return. Rapp states that no matter who makes it and who does not, their job is to survive until the others are back. Ryu spots Niceny and several Nitro and says, deadpanned, that the top of the Gourmet Corp. is not there. Making a pun on their names, Niceny spits back that he was sure to meet Ichiryu, and is disappointed to find only Ryu.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Gourmet 94, Page 5

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