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Toriko Wiki
RiceBall  Sea Urchin Rat  Manga meat
Sea Urchin Rat Card
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese ウニネズミ
Romanized Uninezumi
IGO Icon 2 Bestiary IGO Icon 2
Type Mammal
Capture Level 50
Length 3m
Weight 250kg
Price meat 100g / 200 yen
Habitat Unknown (available at Gourmet Casino)
RiceBall Debut Appearance Manga meat
Manga Chapter 166
Anime Episode 92
[v · t · e]

The Sea Urchin Rat (ウニネズミ) is one of the many ingredients used in the game of Food Concentration.

With a capture level of 50 it is very difficult to cook in 10 minutes, making it one of the "big miss" ingredients in the game.



  • Sea Urchin Rat Created by Tokyo Prefecture PN Kairei Hidenori(界嶺ひでのり).