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RiceBall  Sky Deer  Manga meat
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese スカイディア
Romanized Sukaidia
IGO Icon 2 Bestiary IGO Icon 2
Type Mammal Beast
Capture Level Up to 6450
Habitat Area 5
RiceBall Debut Appearance Manga meat
Manga Gourmet 335
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The Sky Deer (スカイディア Sukaidia) is a species of gargantuan deer-like creature which can only be found within the lands of Gourmet World's Area 5. One of their members is the current "Deer King" (鹿王 Kaō) of Area 5 and one of the mighty Eight Kings.


Sky Deer full view

Sky Deer full view

The Sky Deer appears as a gargantuan deer-like creature with a long nose and elegant looking eyes. The head has a number of antlers which are covered in a dense forest, that covers its entire back. Their skin is very rough, comparable to forms of land mass. Lastly, the Sky Deer possesses seven pairs of legs that gives it a total of fourteen legs that it walks on.


The current Sky Deer is said to have the calmest and gentlest personality of all Eight Kings, yet underneath that, it also appears to harbor a dangerous, unseen inner anger so great that it even makes the most fierce of animals within its forested manes do everything in their power to keep the Sky Deer's sleeping rage dormant.

Powers and Abilities[]

Sky Deer is one of the most powerful creatures in the lands of Gourmet World - known to rule over the lands of Area 5. Being part of the Eight Kings, it's Capture Level is also among the highest level.

Both Zebra and Brunch had unknowingly stumbled upon it without realizing they had been traveling on top of not only a Sky Deer but a member of the Eight Kings. Despite the immense size of the Sky Deer itself, it showed little intimidation in comparison to the other members of the Eight Kings when they are met, with the Sky Deer seemingly awakening from a long slumber. The Sky Deer itself slept almost undisturbed from the rest of the world, with Zebra and Brunch not even realizing that the forest they are walking on was in fact a gigantic creature. This ability to hide itself despite its size makes it somewhat similar to Camping Monster

Sky Deers are known to host immense numbers of powerful creatures on the forest that grow around their horns and back. These creatures vary in Capture Levels with the most powerful Sky Deer hosting creatures with Capture Levels around 4000. Despite being lower level than the Sky Deer in Capture Level, the creatures hosted by a Sky Deer all work together in order to ensure that the peaceful Sky Deer is not enraged. They maintain this peace by fighting for the Sky Deer itself as opposed to letting the Sky Deer fight.  

Sky Deer can create a space which put any creature within the king's forest into a ultimate confusion. In just a few seconds, the poor creature decays as if hundreds of millions of years have passed.  



Shortly after arriving in Area 5, Zebra and Brunch began exploring the forests of the continent, but unbeknownst to them, one of the forests they were exploring was in fact the back of a gargantuan Sky Deer, much to their shock.

Later, the Sky Deer becomes angry when hundreds of its habitual creatures have been devoured by one of the pieces of NEO. The king stops walking and performs its special ability which causes its unwelcome enemy to quickly rot away.

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