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Toriko Wiki
RiceBall  Stinging Maple  Manga meat
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese モミジーン
Romanized Momijiin
IGO Icon 2 Bestiary IGO Icon 2
Type Plant
Capture Level Unknown (likely less than 30)
Habitat Autumn Mountain
RiceBall Debut Appearance Manga meat
Anime Episode 82
[v · t · e]

Stinging Maples (モミジーン Momijiin) are large tree-like plant beasts with human-like faces that enjoy punishing anyone or anything that dares to get close to them by whipping/spanking them in the back with their leaf/branch, leaving behind a large red leaf-shaped marking on their back which greatly stings. Aside from this peculiar and rude habit, they are not deadly or too dangerous and their actions seem more like a childish prank.

They greatly dislike being peed on and will flee if one does so.

