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Mushroom  Strawberrice  Sushi
Strawberrice ani
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese イチゴ飯
Romanized Ichigohan
IGO Icon 2 Statistics IGO Icon 2
Type Fruit
Capture Level Less than 1
Location Grows virtually anywhere, and can be artificially cultivated
Height 0.5cm
Price 10kg / 20,000 yen
Mushroom Debut Appearance Sushi
Manga Gourmet 114
Anime Episode 52
[v · t · e]

Strawberrice (イチゴ飯 Ichigohan) is a variety of rice typically served for dessert. Each grain of "rice" is really a tiny strawberry, but despite this it appears that it does need to be cooked first. In terms of flavor it contains the same amount of sourness as vinegared rice, and the more you chew, the stronger the strawberry flavor gets, making it a tasty delight. Strawberrice is delicious as a dessert without any dressing up.



  • It is the work of a Miu Tachibana from Hyogo.