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Toriko Wiki
RiceBall  Survival Bug  Manga meat
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese ことむし
Romanized Kotonaki Mushi
IGO Icon 2 Bestiary IGO Icon 2
Type Insect
Capture Level Unknown
Diet Dry Melolon
Habitat Unknown (one was located in one of the eight Biotopes)
RiceBall Debut Appearance Manga meat
Manga Chapter 159
Anime Episode 85
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The Survival Bug (ことむし Kotonaki Mushi) is a small insect resembling a rolled up pill bug with a shell around its body. True to its name, the creature has a tenacity for survival, managing to stay alive inside a preserving Gourmet Case within an old chest without food or water in a state of apparent hibernation. A Survival Bug can only reach maturity upon eating a Dry Melolon, at which point it metamorphosizes into a winged insect.

It is the elusive meat dish of Ichiryu's Full Course Menu that was hidden within one of the eight Biotopes in the Human World. When it is brought together with the other ingredients in the menu, they will spawn an infinite source of food. Its role in the process is primarily to act as sustenance for the main dish, the Billion Bird after the Survival Bug has eaten the Dry Melolon to become an adult. Once the Billion Bird has eaten it, it will reach maturity as well which will allow it to lay its countless eggs.


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