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Fork-knife-icon  Underground Train   Fork-knife-icon
Underground Train. Eps 88
English Underground Train
Purpose Only way to Jidal Kingdom
Debut Appearance
Manga Chapter 160
Anime Episode 88
[v · t · e]

The Underground Train is an express locomotive that runs 500 meters below the surface of the planet and it acts as the only form of transportation into the center of the crime-infested Jidal Kingdom.


It is a large black steam locomotive with six brown coaches and a black coal filled coal car. The train's exterior and interior are covered in blade cuts, bullet holes and is worn and torn in several parts, likely due to making regular trips to a crime infested kingdom and carrying many dangerous fugitives regularly.


Meteor Garlic Arc[]

Toriko, Coco and Komatsu boarded the Underground Train in order to reach the Jidal Kingdom and obtain the Meteor Garlic at the Gourmet Casino.

