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RiceBall  Watiger  Manga meat
War Tiger
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese ウォータイがー
Romanized Uōtaigā
Aliases Water Tiger
IGO Icon 2 Bestiary IGO Icon 2
Type Mammal
Capture Level 70
Height Variable
Weight Variable
Habitat Islandhorse (during summer only)
RiceBall Debut Appearance Manga meat
Anime Episode 69
[v · t · e]

The Watiger (ウォータイがー, Uōtaigā) is a powerful and fearsome tiger beast that has complete control over water; able to use it in a variety of dangerous ways or turn its body into water at will. It travels the world's oceans as it pleases, giving it somewhat of a legendary status.[1]


The Watiger is a large and muscular beast, easily dwarfing Toriko and most of the other animals on the Islandhorse (this may likely be due to its liquid body which allows it to increase its mass). Its most notable feature, however, is that its entire body appears to be made out of water which it can liquify and solidify with ease. In its liquid state, it has a translucent appearance, and one can see through its body. Its fur appears to be light blue with dark blue stripes and it has a crest of water growing from its arms. Its tail resembles a fish's tail fin and the inside of its mouth appears to be a normal red color rather than blue. It sports yellow eyes, large sharp teeth, and equally sharp claws.

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The Watiger is ferocious and fearsome in battle, and when it spots its prey, will not cease pursuit until its prey is captured, showing that it is a merciless hunter by nature. It is fearless in battle no matter the opponent and will continue to fight even if the odds are against it. The Watiger tends to travel the oceans frequently, never settling down in one location, however, every summer, they will migrate to the back of Islandhorses, and it is around this time that they can be caught. They also appear to be loners, hunting alone without the aid of packs.

Powers and Abilities[]

Watiger shooting water drops

Watiger unleashing a water barrage.

The Watiger has complete control over water; able to absorb it and release it at foes with ease, and able to alter the composition of its own body at will by transforming into a semi-liquid state, causing attacks to just faze through it without any physical harm, which shows a great deal of body control at a molecular level. It can use its control over water to unleash a large variety of water-based attacks at high pressure speeds that can break through stone, such as releasing balls of water from its body in all directions at great speed, blasting out highly pressurized water from its own claws that can cut through stone, and absorbing others into its own body. Aside from these abilities, it has a great deal of strength, speed, and sharp reflexes, and will react to most attacks effortlessly and swiftly. It is even capable of fighting off a young Battle Wolf.

The Watiger, however, has one major weakness: it becomes weakened and unable to use its water-based attacks, or maintain its liquid form, in extreme heat, rendering it vulnerable to attacks. Upon death, it becomes completely tangible.[2]

As Food[]


The Watiger's flavor complimenting the Curromet.

Upon being killed, the Watiger's body solidifies, allowing it to become edible. Cutlets can be harvested from the body, which have a very rich texture that melts in one's mouth and releases a flavorful flood of juicy bouillon. The cutlets can be made with a Curromet to make Gatsukatsu Curry, which greatly enhances the flavor of both ingredients.[3]


Toriko's Break Arc[]

Watiger on 2 legs

Toriko and the others find the Watiger.

During Toriko's trip to the beach, he met up with his old friend Cumin, who at that time, was stricken with worry, as he had not heard from his sister, Safla, who had gone out to sea to get the ingredients he needed to make his Gatsukatsu Curry, and never returned. Toriko and his friends then go out to sea looking for her. Upon finding her, she reveals she was never lost and that she was still looking for the final ingredients, one of which was the legendary Watiger. Toriko and the others agree to help her and head over to the Islandhorse where it currently resides. They soon find a terrified Zongeh who is being chased by none other than the Watiger itself, then a heated battle begins between Toriko's group and the Watiger.



The original drawing of the Watiger by its creator.


  1. Episode 69
  2. Episode 70
  3. Episode 70, Toriko describing the taste of the Gatsukatsu Curry
  4. Episode 68