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Toriko Wiki
Mushroom  Zuccizucchi  Sushi
Sweet Potatsnails and Zuccizucchi
IGO Icon 2 Name IGO Icon 2
Japanese ズキズッキーニ
Romanized Zuccizucchi
IGO Icon 2 Statistics IGO Icon 2
Type Vegetable/Fruit
Capture Level Unknown
Location Poison Rain Prairie
Mushroom Debut Appearance Sushi
Manga Gourmet 288
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Zuccizucchi (ズキズッキーニ Zuccizucchi) is a type of spiked zucchini native to the the dangerous Poison Rain Prairie of Area 8. It has a very high nutritional value, so much so that it can even be made into a fertilizer for the giant Air Fruit, AIR.


  • Zuccizucchi is the work of pen-name "Foolman" from Fukui Prefecture.
  • Zucchini is a summer squash which can reach nearly a meter in length, but which is usually harvested at half that size or less.

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